Student Manual | ![]() Many physical substances undergo phase transitions when subject to changes in environmental parameters. The transition of ice into water and water into steam are familiar examples. Similarly, chromium undergoes a phase transition at a specific temperature, called the N´eel temperature changing its magnetic order from the anti-ferromagnetic to the para-magnet state. This magnetic reordering is accompanied by a change in volume. In other words, the phase transition is a magneto-elastic phenomenon. In this experiment, we study the phase transition of chromium by directly measuring the volume change. Several important thermodynamical concepts will also be navigated. |
Software Code | codes |
Sample Results | Voltage Vs Temperature Voltage Vs No. of samples |
Hardware Manual | Precision Instrumentation Amplifier AD624 |
Experiment Code | 2.7 |
Version | 15 Aug 2011 |
Further Readings and References
Mathematical Methods
, Zeemansky and Dittman, . -
Investigation of thermal hysteresis near the Neel transition in chromium
Journal of Physics. F. Metal physics, I.S. Williams, R. Street, 2551, (1980). -
Thermal Expansion of Chromium Single Crystals at the Néel Temperature
The Physics Society of Japan, Takehiko Matsumoto, Tadayasu Mitsui, (1969). -
Calorimetric studies of the order of magnetic phase transitions in Cr and some Cr alloys at the Neel point
Journal of Physics.F Metal physics, G Benediktssont, H U Astromt, K V Rao, 5, (1975).