- Development of low field, low cost, reconfigurable NMR and MRI, Pakistan Science Foundation (Rs. 2.5 million)
- Optical detection of spin phenomena, Higher Education Commission 2012 (Rs. 20 million).
- Development and running of weather station for monitoring fog in the Indo-Ganges plain, in collaboration with NUST School of Environmental Engineering (Rs. 0.2 million)
- Observing magnetization dynamics of single molecular magnets using polarized light, LUMS’s Faculty Initiative Fund 2014 (0.5 million).
- Fine-tuning of an in-house developed atomic force microscope, LUMS’s Faculty Initiative Fund 2015 (1 million).
- Physics entrepreneurship, developed and transferred physics experiments to various Universities in Pakistan, 2009-14 (Rs. 5 million).
- Co-P.I. with Dr. Falak Sher (Chemistry, SSE) on the project: Development of thermoelectric oxides for renewable energy conversion technologies LUMS’s Faculty Initiative Fund (Rs. 1 million).
- Co-P.I. with Dr. Basit Yameen (Chemistry, SSE) on the project: Development of protogenic groups containing polymer brush modied additives to improve the proton conductivity of polyelectrolytic membranes for fuel cell applications, Higher Education Commission (Rs. 6 million).
- Sponsored events: National Instruments, Professional Systems, Rays Technologies, Keithley
Travel grants from:
- LUMS, Higher Education Commission, Emerging Nations Science Foundation