Data acquisition using modern technology is an integral part of the laboratory environment. Today, it serves as the most important element in research, development, experimentation as well as teaching. The advent of sophisticated transducers, sensors, actuators and signal acquisition devices empower researchers, students and teachers to find new horizons in their scientific investigations. But doing so requires essential knowledge of the basic associated tools and techniques. In this regard, LabView is a renowned resource to create programs that collect data from the real world into the computer.
So, to help develop our community of teachers and students, Physlab at LUMS is arranging a hands-on LabView workshop training session. It is particularly targeted at graduate-students, researchers and teachers who are involved in the field of physics education and experimental physical sciences. The workshop will span 2 days and will comprise lectures, demonstrations and hands-on training sessions from seasoned instructors.
Please find the details of the program below:
Course Material
- Presentation: PID: A Tutorial for physicists by Mudassar Ejaz
- Review exercises and workshop notes by Dr. Sabieh Anwar.
- List of selected participants can be downloaded here.
- The complete coursepack including supplementary documents, tutorials, datasheets, can also be downloded.
Primary Instructors
- Ahmed Khalid, National Instruments
- Dr. Sabieh Anwar, LUMS
- Junaid Alam
- Mudassar Ejaz, LUMS
Scientific Program
The scientific program can be downloaded here.
- Date: April 22-23, 2016,
- Time: 9:00am – 8:00pm
- Venue: Physics Laboratory, SBASSE, LUMS.
- Registration Fee: is Rs. 1000/- payable on spot. The fee covers tea, lunch coupons for 22 and 23 April, dinner for 22 April, lecture notes. We will not be able to pay for travel or accommodation that must be organized by the participant.
Click Here to get registered for the event
- Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar ([email protected])
- Azeem Iqbal ([email protected])
- Mehran Rasheed ([email protected])
- Bilal Ahmad ([email protected])
- Muhammad Arshad Maral ([email protected])
- Ali Hassan ([email protected])
- Khadim Mahmood ([email protected])
- Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan ([email protected])
Picture Gallery