Electron diffraction
This interesting demonstration utilizes a highly evacuated electron diffraction tube to show the wave behavior of electrons. The electrons are
Michelson Interfrometer
This demonstration uses the famous Michelson interferometer which is used either for precise distance measurements or the wavelength of the
Statistics of natural radioactivity
The classroom demonstrations uses a gamma ray source of Co-60 placed inside a lead container. The radiation is detected with
Data analysis with capacitor
The main objective of this experiment is to investigate the time needed to discharge a capacitor and determine the RC
Fluorescence from quantum dots
Cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dots are chemically synthesized in the diameter ranges of 2 to 6 nm. These colloidal solutions
Energy-time uncertainty exemplified by lifetime broadening
A neon lamp is placed inside a spectral tube holder and the emission spectrum is observed with a fiber optics
Demonstrating diffraction of light
With a helium-neon laser, we can demonstrate the diffraction of light from a single slit, double slit pattern or from
X-rays as probes of atomic structure
X-rays are produced when inner shell transitions take place inside atoms. This demonstration uses an X-ray tube, X-ray
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