Philosophy for classroom demonstrations
A technique I employ towards cultivating a stimulus for physics inside the classroom is the deployment of carefully crafted practical demonstrations. These are short experiments performed inside the classroom during regular lecture time. I consider these practical demonstrations as one of the last gasps of breath of a dying art where visualizations and remote virtual experiments inundate the Internet.
Given below are some demos I’ve built and employed in the classroom to enliven the teaching of physics. I have assembled photographs and in many cases, video recordings for these demos. Feel free to re-hash this material. Some feedback will however be most appreciated.

Title |
Category |
PhysFactory |
Classroom Demo |
Operation of semiconductor diodes |
Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics |
Mutual induction and path dependent electric fields |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Magnetic Braking |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Electromagnetic Induction |
Electricity and Magnetism |
RC Circuit |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Barkhausen Effect |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Meissner Effect |
Electricity and Magnetism, Solid State Physics |
Motional EMF |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Forces on conductors inside magnetic fields and between current carrying conductors |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Oersted’s law |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Temperature Dependence of Resistivity of a Metal Wire |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Semiconducting behaviour of thermistor |
Electricity and Magnetism, Solid State Physics |
Galton Board |
Probability and Statistics |
Triboelectricity, Gauss’s law and Van de Graaf Generator |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Wimshurst Machine |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Magic eye |
Modern Physics |
Electron diffraction |
Modern Physics, Solid State Physics |
Michelson Interfrometer |
Modern Physics, Optics |
Statistics of natural radioactivity |
Modern Physics |
Data analysis with capacitor |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Optical tunneling |
Modern Physics, Quantum Physics |
Hall effect in Semiconductor materials |
Modern Physics, Solid State Physics |
Fluorescence from quantum dots |
Modern Physics, Spectroscopy |
Energy-time uncertainty exemplified by lifetime broadening |
Atomic Physics, Modern Physics |
Demonstrating diffraction of light |
Modern Physics, Optics |
X-rays as probes of atomic structure |
Modern Physics |
Modern version of J.J. Thomson’s experiment |
Modern Physics |
Energy quantization |
Modern Physics |
Franck-Hertz experiment |
Modern Physics |
Excitation by electric fields |
Modern Physics |
Phonon modes in a linear lattice |
Solid State Physics |
Close packing of atoms |
Solid State Physics |
Eddy current and Lenz’s law |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Bicycle gyroscope |
Mechanics |
Monitoring the ECG |
Candle in the Wind |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Surface Charges on Current Carrying Conductors |
Classroom Demo, Electricity and Magnetism |