Below we collect some of our commonly accessed equipment howto’s we’ve prepared for facilitating our researchers.
We do electrical conductivity measurements using different equipment. Here is a compilation of howto’s around this theme.
- On using the the thermocouple calibrator to test your own temperature measurement system. We possess a Mastech MS7220 calibrator.
- Automating magneto-optic Kerr detection with GPIB and Python
- Ferromagnetic resonance in the “spin physics” lab
- Testing & Fixing the FPS rate of the Ximea High Speed Camera
- Bloch NMR Software Installing Procedure
- Comsoft for interfacing BK Precision’s Oscilloscope
- Interfacing Rigol DS1052 scopes with a computer
- Tutorial on CJC and temperature measurements
- VSM Service Manual, Evacuating and Recharging the System
- Brief instructions on preparing and mounting the sample for resistivity measurement in the VSM system
- Quick start manual of magnetron sputtering
- How to set up the high-speed digital oscilloscope: Agilent DSO6104L This is now superseded by the following howto: How to install the older version of BenchVue to operate the DSO6104L high speed oscilloscope. The software is located in the network drive.
- Installation guide for the Blue Wave VIS Spectrometer (Software Download)
- How to connect your Agilent / Keysight device to a PC through Labview. (Mar 2019) We have several Agilent devices in our lab (e.g. high-speed oscilloscopes-DSOX2002A, RF spectrum analyzer-N9320B.)
- Protocol for operating sample polisher XP8
- Operator manual for high-temperature dielectric measurement system
- Designing a dielectric cell
- Precise high-temperature dielectric measurement system
- Manuals for the PCB manufacturing facility
- A quick guide to XRF analysis
- Procedure to install Physlab printers on your workstation
- Technical Specifications of In-House Built Electromagnets.