Student Manual | ![]() In this experiment we will use the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) that helps us develop an idea of superconductivity. With SQUID we can observe various interesting quantum mechanical effects such as flux quantization, quantum interference and quantum mechanical tunneling at the macroscopic level. We will also use the SQUID as a magnetometer capable of sensing extremely small magnetic fields. Research Story: Experimental investigations of quantum interference in Josephson junctions |
Sample Results | Voltage-Current characteristicsVoltage-Flux characteristicsSuperconducting transitionR-T graph for Mr. SQUID’s chipMr. SQUID as a Magnetometer |
Hardware Manual | Squid’s User Manual |
Experiment Code | 2.4 |
Version | 26 November 2019 |
Further Readings and References
- Solid State PhysicsJohn Wiley and Sons, J. R. Hook, H. E. Hall, 2nd Edition, 278, (1991).
- Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J. Griffiths, 234, (2nd Edition).
- Superconducting quantum interference device instruments and applicationsReview of Scientific Instruments, R. L. Fagaly, 77, 101, (2006).
- SQUIDS and their applicationsJournal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, J. C. Gallop and B. W. Petley, 9, 417, (1983).
Pictorial Procedure