Instructor: [ Dr. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar ] Office hours: (Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 am-11:00 am.)
Teaching fellows: [ Mehran Rasheed ] and [Mudassir Shah
Teaching assistants: [Muhammad Shiraz Ahmad ], [Muhammad Bilal Azam
], [Muhammad Umer Farooq
], [Fatima Perwaiz
], [Hira Tariq
]. Office hours schedule is here.
Tutorials schedule is here.
Textbook: Modern Physics by R.A. Serway, C.J. Moses and C.A. Moyer
Previous offerings: Here is the weblink for the same course I taught in Spring 2013. And here is the weblink for the offering in 2009
and weblink for the offering in 2011
with all the video recordings, assignments, exams and their solutions.
This is an evolving course. The grading scheme is as follows
Quizzes (4) | 20% |
Homeworks (5-6) | 20% |
Midterm (one) | 25% |
Final exam (one) | 35% |
I have the liberty to vary the scheme by +5% or -5%.
Class timings: 8:00 to 9:50 am, Tuesday and Thursday, Room: SSE_B-92
Tutorial-1 Wave-particle duality
Tutorial-2 Quantum computing
Tutorial-3 , Solution
Quantum computing
Tutorial-4 Particle in an infinite potential well
Tutorial-5 , Solution
Particle in a potential well
Tutorial-6 Potential steps and obstacles
Tutorial-7 , Solution
Three dimensional box
Tutorial-8 , Solution
Radial wave function of hydrogen atom, Spherical harmonics of hydrogen atom
Tutorial-9 Identical particles and Bose-Einstein condensation, Solution
Tutorial 10 Entropy and second law of thermodynamics, Solution Tutorial 10
Quizzes and exams:
Reading material:
Modern Physics by Serway: Section-3.6, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4(optional), 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8
Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 3: Chapter-1, 2, 3
Quantum computing:
- Quantum Computing without Magic by Z. Meglicki (page 41-61)
- Quantum information and computation by C. H. Bennett & D. P. DiVincenzo
Quantum mechanics:
- Modern Physics by Serway: Chapter-6, (page 191-212)
- Modern Physics by Serway: Chapter-7, (page 231-253)
- Nanotechnology (Understanding small systems) by B. Rogers, S. Pennathur, J. Adams: (page 207-220)
- Solving the angular part of the Schrodinger Equation by Sabieh Anwar
- Spherical harmonics
- Quantum microscope peers into the hydrogen atom by Tushna Commissariat
- Modern physics by Serway: Chapter-8, (page 277-289)
- Modern Physics by Serway, Chapter-12, (page 447-457)
- Non-Classical Physics Beyond Newton’s View by R. Harris, Section 8.9 (page 382-388)
- New mechanisms for laser cooling: William Phillips Nobel banquet speech. Skim through it at least and look at the basic diagrams.
- Laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms: a popular article written by William Phillips and Cohen-Tannoudji, both being recipients of the Nobel Prize that aims to describe the mechanism behind the traditional Doppler mechanism. Read at least the Doppler mechanism.
Identical particles:
- Bose-Einstein condensation by Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman: this article published in the popular magazine Scientific American is a must read for anyone interested in knowing more about Bose-Einstein condensates. Highly recommended!
Statistical Mechanics:
- Ch2 of “Thermal Physics” by D. V. Schroeder, Sections 2.2-2.4 and 2.6. (pages 53-67 and 74-84).
- Matlab scripts simulating energy transfer between solids, another Matlab simulation
Video Lectures: (YouTube playlist)
Lecture-1A, Lecture-1B What is a wave? What is a particle? Complex numbers
Lecture-2A, Lecture-2B de Broglie Hypothesis, Double slit experiment, Diffraction of light and electrons, Single electron diffraction, Detection of electrons
Lecture-3A, Lecture-3B Interference pattern of electrons in double slit experiment, Intensity of electrons, Velocity selector
Lecture-4A, Lecture-4B Heisenberg uncertainty principles, and applications of uncertainty principles
Lecture-5A, Lecture-5B Further applications of uncertainty principle, confinement, zero point energy, optical imaging, interpreting wave function
Lecture-6A Probabilistic interpretation of wave function, wave function and probability density of free particle, wave function and probability density of particle in 1D infinite well
Quantum Computing:
Lecture-6B Quantum computing, qubit, difference between bit and qubit
Lecture-7A, Lecture-7B Quantum states and probability, Bloch sphere, Quantum gates, Q-NOT gate
Lecture-8A, Lecture-8B Quantum NOT gate, quantum interference, Physical implementation of quantum interference, Polarization
Lecture-9 Electron spin and Stern-Gerlach
Lecture-10A, Lecture-10B Electron spin, magnetic resonance, quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation, Bell’s state
Quantum mechanics:
Lecture-11A, Lecture-11B Classical wave equation, quantum wave equation, Time-dependent Schrodinger equation
Lecture-12A, Lecture-12B Classical wave function, the wavefunction of a free particle, finding wavefunction for a particle in a box
Lecture-13A, Lecture-13B Wavefunction of a particle in an infinite potential well, finding the probability of particle inside the well, the probability density of particle inside the well
Lecture-14A, Lecture-14B Finding the wave functions of a particle in an infinite well at different excited states, probabilities of finding the particle in an excited state, The potential step
Lecture-15A, Lecture-15B Potential step, harmonic oscillator, obstacle, tunneling, scanning tunneling microscope
Lecture-16A, Lecture-16B Radioactivity, MOSFET, single electron transistor
Lecture-17A, Lecture-17B Two-dimensional quantum well, Franck-Hertz experiment (Class demonstration)
Lecture-18A, Lecture-18B Atom, hydrogen atom, wave function of hydrogen atom, energy spectroscopy of hydrogen atom (Class demonstration)
Lecture-19A, Lecture-19B Radial wave function of hydrogen atom, Spherical harmonics of hydrogen atom
Lecture-20A, Lecture-20B Laser, emission and absorption of radiation
Lecture-21A, Lecture-21B Laser technology, three level system, stimulated emission of radiation, electron diffraction (demonstration)
Identical particles:
Lecture-22A, Lecture-22B Identical particles, wave function of fermion and bosons, symmetric and anti-symmetric wave functions, Fermi level, Bose-Einstein condensate
Statistical mechanics:
Lecture-23A, Lecture-23B Energy bands of conductor and semiconductors, temperature dependence of conductivity of conductors and semiconductors (demonstration 1) (demonstration on the Meissner effect)
Lecture-24A, Lecture-24B Working of a pn junction, energy band description of a biased pn junction, introduction to statistical mechanics
Lecture-25A, Lecture 25-B Microstates and macrostates, entropy, second law of thermodynamics, entropy and temperature
Lecture-26A, Lecture-26B Relationship between entropy, internal energy and temperature, cold and hot objects, energy transfer